Building blocks for building blogs

Documenting the technologies and tools used to create this blog. Little to no coding expertise required, honest!
This site was made using the Next.js Blog with Draft Mode template offered by Vercel.
Some basic familiarity with the command line is required for setting up the project locally, updating scripts to the most current versions, and viewing the site before deployment. But that's it! Nothing else!
Out of the box, this template is built using the following technologies:
Next.js | JavaScript Framework
Contentful | Composable Content Platform
TailwindCSS | CSS Framework
The glue that holds it all together is GitHub.
But wait! There's more!
The blog is hosted on Vercel, with some nifty features under the hood:
Finally, there's a couple of useful Vercel and Contentful integrations at play:
Contentful on the Vercel Marketplace, for deployment of projects
Vercel on the Contentful Marketplace, to easily set up previews
Webhook templates available within Contentful
All copy and pictures are generated with Google Gemini Advanced. The initial prompts used for the generation of content are shared at the bottom of each post.
Roadmap for future improvements: Figuring out how to add inline images to the body of a post without breaking everything. The quest continues!